Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Improving Your Apartment’s Acoustic Comfort

Having your voice carry in a room is great … if you’re a singer and you’re in a performance space or studio. However, this is not generally appreciated in rental apartments, where you have neighbours on the other side of your walls.

Unfortunately, developers often overlook acoustic comfort. So, it’s not really known until people move into the building – that’s when they start realising how much you can, in fact, hear from other units.

There’s not a lot that can be done in terms of construction to improve the acoustic comfort of your soundproof apartment , since you rent it rather can own it. That said, all is not lost; you can create a comfortable space for you and your neighbours.

While the best ways to soundproof and improve acoustic comfort in a space is to adhere sound-absorbing materials to the shared walls, the fact that you do not own your apartment means you shouldn’t be making big permanent or semi-permanent changes to your place.

So, how can you get relief quickly, without taking drastic (expensive) measures? Here are some ideas:

Large-scale wall art

Instead of installing purpose-built soundproofing panels, you can hang a large-scale painting or framed print on the shared wall. It adds an additional barrier for sound to pass through. You can also hang a wall tapestry to get the same effect. For more information visit to source.

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