Monday, December 30, 2019

Your Defence To An Eviction Notice

Your home is your sanctuary, so if you’ve received an eviction notice, it can turn your world upside down.

In most cases it’s not a complete surprise, as there’s a warning that happens prior to receiving an eviction notice. If the landlord has received noise complaints, for example, the usual process is to first notify you in writing and give you the opportunity to address the issue and make changes.

Reasons for eviction

Common reasons for receiving a notice include failure to pay rent, willful damage to the property, and having too many people living in a unit.

According to Ontario’s Residential Tenancies Act, the landlord does not have the right to evict you if you are in violation of a “No pets” agreement. However, if you have a dog that is barking all the time and disturbing other tenants, that would infringe on their rights and could be grounds for eviction.

Steps to eviction

In order to evict, the landlord needs to give written notice with the date and reason why. If you don’t want to move, try contacting a Community Legal Clinic for advice. Most Community Legal Clinics provide free legal help on tenant issues for people with low incomes.

Only the police can evict you, not the landlord. The landlord has to apply for an eviction order from the Landlord and Tenant Board, and a hearing will be scheduled.

The hearing gives you an opportunity to tell your side of the story. It’s helpful if you bring documents, photos and witnesses that can help support your case.

If you need a new place to live, check out  It’s a great apartment rental site that makes it easy to find the perfect unit or house in your community, including Student rentals in Toronto.
For more information visit to source.

Contact us: Head Office
Address: 44 Frid Street
City: Hamilton, ON
Zip Code: L8N 3G3
Phone: 1-888-440-2099 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Improving Your Apartment’s Acoustic Comfort

Having your voice carry in a room is great … if you’re a singer and you’re in a performance space or studio. However, this is not generally appreciated in rental apartments, where you have neighbours on the other side of your walls.

Unfortunately, developers often overlook acoustic comfort. So, it’s not really known until people move into the building – that’s when they start realising how much you can, in fact, hear from other units.

There’s not a lot that can be done in terms of construction to improve the acoustic comfort of your soundproof apartment , since you rent it rather can own it. That said, all is not lost; you can create a comfortable space for you and your neighbours.

While the best ways to soundproof and improve acoustic comfort in a space is to adhere sound-absorbing materials to the shared walls, the fact that you do not own your apartment means you shouldn’t be making big permanent or semi-permanent changes to your place.

So, how can you get relief quickly, without taking drastic (expensive) measures? Here are some ideas:

Large-scale wall art

Instead of installing purpose-built soundproofing panels, you can hang a large-scale painting or framed print on the shared wall. It adds an additional barrier for sound to pass through. You can also hang a wall tapestry to get the same effect. For more information visit to source.

Contact us: Head Office
Address: 44 Frid Street
City: Hamilton, ON
Zip Code: L8N 3G3
Phone: 1-888-440-2099

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Luxury Rentals: Who Wants Them, And Why Are They In Demand?

To some, the term “luxury rental” sounds like an oxymoron, but high-end rental properties have been around for a while. One reason the concept might be trending lately is in direct relationship to the current real estate market. With high home prices and stagnant wages, many who would typically buy property are now looking to the rental market for a home.

Many developers are building luxury townhomes for rent or luxury apartment buildings knowing full well there is a market for these types of dwellings. There are also people who buy houses and condo units as income properties, so renters can live in affluent neighbourhoods without having to commit to buying.


While there are plenty of luxury houses in Toronto, they aren’t necessarily affordable to all who want them. The real estate landscape has really changed, making the rental market more attractive to a wider range of people from all socioeconomic levels. For example, people who perhaps would have been in the market for a starter home are now looking at the rental market for housing.

Bottom line: if you cannot qualify for a mortgage but you still make enough income to handle monthly rent payments, a luxury rental could be for you.

Having a nice home

Many people are attracted to luxury rentals because that tends to mean they’re either newly built or renovated. If you want a nice home with new appliances and finishes, a luxury rental house or condo unit will give you that and more. Continue reading for more information.

Contact us: Head Office
Address: 44 Frid Street
City: Hamilton, ON
Zip Code: L8N 3G3
Phone: 1-888-440-2099

Friday, September 6, 2019

Renting a House in Toronto: Expectation vs. Reality

We all know that the Toronto real estate market is crazy right now. Affordability is practically nonexistent. That said, there are still many people who want to live in a house but cannot afford to buy. This means finding a house through the house rental agencies.

Renting a house in Toronto sounds like a more affordable alternative to buying, but it’s important to manage your expectations when searching, as the results may not be what you were hoping for.

Expectation: Close to work

Reality: Most jobs in Toronto are concentrated in the urban areas, where most housing is in high-rise buildings. Most residential neighbourhoods are located outside the core, so you won’t necessarily end up within walking distance of work if you want to live in a rental house in Toronto.

Even the single-family homes for rent that are in the urban communities of Toronto are often expensive, and vacancies are typically low.

Expectation: Lots of space

Reality: Many renters opt for a house rather than an apartment unit because of the square footage. The truth is, some of the more affordably priced houses for rent are small. And even if the square footage is bigger than in an apartment, older houses typically have very closed layouts, limiting the amount of useable space you end up with.

The other thing that can end up happening is that the entire house won’t be available for rent, but rather a basement apartment or an upper floor unit. So, you don’t end up with that much more space. Continue reading for more information.

Contact us: Head Office
Address: 44 Frid Street
City: Hamilton, ON
Zip Code: L8N 3G3
Phone: 1-888-440-2099

Friday, August 30, 2019

Dining Solutions for Small Apartments

Apartment living can be wonderful in many ways. No lawn to mow, or major repairs to pay for. But what you gain in freedom you sometimes lose in space. Small apartments don’t always have designated space for everything like you might get in a house. One space that people often struggle to make room for is dining.

Small rental units, especially bachelor apartments for rent, don’t have a lot of space for furnishings, let alone a dining room table. But rather than eating all meals on your lap on the couch, you can add a dedicated dining area to your apartment. While you might not be able to host big dinner parties, you should be able to eat your own meals comfortably.

Dining ideas for small apartments

  • Pub table and bar stools:

If it’s just you, or you and one other person living in the apartment, you don’t need a full-sized table. Instead, get a pub-style table (a tall, long and narrow table) with two bar stools. This can be pushed up against a wall, and the two bar stools can slide under when not in use. It’s a pretty good space saver for small apartments.

You could get four stools and pull the table out from the wall if you need to fit more people around it.

  • Wall-mounted dining table:

As long as you fill in the holes before you move out, a great dining solution for a small apartment is a wall-mounted dining table. When in use, it folds out, providing a surface to eat your meals from. When not in use, it conveniently folds up flat against the wall. Add a couple of foldable chairs, and voila, you have an instant dining room!

There are different styles of wall-mounted dining tables. Some fold up flush against the wall, while others convert from a small shelf into a table. Continue reading for more information.

Contact us: Head Office
Address: 44 Frid Street
City: Hamilton, ON
Zip Code: L8N 3G3
Phone: 1-888-440-2099

Monday, July 8, 2019

Affordable Renting Tips for College Students

Post-secondary education is expensive. Tuition costs are rising, plus books and other materials have to be factored in as well. If you’re going to a college or university away from home, you’ll have to also consider the cost of housing.

If you’re looking at off-campus housing, there are some ways to make renting more affordable. Student rentals come in all shapes and forms, so you want to make sure you’re getting a good deal for your money. Looking for the cheapest student apartment isn’t always the best strategy, as you also need to consider the value you’re getting out of it. If it’s rundown and in a bad neighbourhood, it’s probably not worth the stress.

Here are some tips for finding affordable student housing off-campus in time for the fall semester:

1. Consider a bachelor pad

If you want to live alone (or share with your significant other), a bachelor apartment is an affordable student rental. Bachelor apartments tend to feature an open concept living space with a private bathroom. Your kitchen will be small, and will open into the living/sleeping space. Students who live in traditional dorms get way less than this, so it’s a step up. You can get creative with furniture placement, fitting in a desk/workspace for studying, plus a bed and storage.

2. Get some roomies

If you’re looking at student houses for rent, you probably already have some potential roommates on board. If you’re looking at student apartments, consider a 2-bedroom unit so that you can share the costs with a roommate to save some dough.

Roommates can be part of the college experience. You could end up being lifelong friends!

3. Be a basement dweller

Quite often people who own properties near colleges and universities earn a supplementary income by renting out their basements to students. Look for some basement apartments near campus, as they tend to be more affordable than units in traditional high-rise buildings. Just make sure they are legal rentals, as you don’t want to get involved in an under-the-table scheme. Continue reading for more information.

Contact us: Head Office
Address: 44 Frid Street
City: Hamilton, ON
Zip Code: L8N 3G3
Phone: 1-888-440-2099

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

When Is the Best Time to Search for an Apartment?

In the real estate world, it’s said that spring is the best season to sell because people prefer to move during the summer months. But can the same be said for the rental market? Is there a better time to apartment hunt, or is it pretty much the same year-round?

So, when is the best time to search for apartments for rent in Canada? There are two schools of thought …


If you’re savvy, you can absolutely get the best deal on a rental apartment in the winter. People tend to not want to move during the colder months, so there are fewer vacancies. While fewer vacancies might seem like bad news, it could work in your favour. Landlord and building property managers want to fill these vacancies, even though there are fewer of them. Because of their need to fill the vacant rental apartments, they might be willing to negotiate the cost of the rent with you. A negotiated price is better than a vacancy.

If you sign a year-long lease at this price, you’re locked into this rent for a year and it can be raised only by the percentage outlined by the province. It’s a win-win – the landlord fills the spot, and you get a better price.


Since the weather is nicer and the school year is coming to a close, there will be lots of move-outs. This means lots of units will become available during this time of year. Visit source for more details.

Contact us: Head Office
Address: 44 Frid Street
City: Hamilton, ON
Zip Code: L8N 3G3
Phone: 1-888-440-2099