Friday, August 30, 2019

Dining Solutions for Small Apartments

Apartment living can be wonderful in many ways. No lawn to mow, or major repairs to pay for. But what you gain in freedom you sometimes lose in space. Small apartments don’t always have designated space for everything like you might get in a house. One space that people often struggle to make room for is dining.

Small rental units, especially bachelor apartments for rent, don’t have a lot of space for furnishings, let alone a dining room table. But rather than eating all meals on your lap on the couch, you can add a dedicated dining area to your apartment. While you might not be able to host big dinner parties, you should be able to eat your own meals comfortably.

Dining ideas for small apartments

  • Pub table and bar stools:

If it’s just you, or you and one other person living in the apartment, you don’t need a full-sized table. Instead, get a pub-style table (a tall, long and narrow table) with two bar stools. This can be pushed up against a wall, and the two bar stools can slide under when not in use. It’s a pretty good space saver for small apartments.

You could get four stools and pull the table out from the wall if you need to fit more people around it.

  • Wall-mounted dining table:

As long as you fill in the holes before you move out, a great dining solution for a small apartment is a wall-mounted dining table. When in use, it folds out, providing a surface to eat your meals from. When not in use, it conveniently folds up flat against the wall. Add a couple of foldable chairs, and voila, you have an instant dining room!

There are different styles of wall-mounted dining tables. Some fold up flush against the wall, while others convert from a small shelf into a table. Continue reading for more information.

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